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COVID - 19 Policies & Procedures

Please read important details regarding COVID-19 policies and procedures. Current and updated procedures are based upon guidance by the CDC and NH state health officials.


The health and safety of our staff, students and families continue to be our top priority. Due to COVID-19, we have added additional health and safety guidelines and policies.

  • Daily cleaning/disinfecting of frequently touched surfaces including doorknobs, light switches, railings, toys, buggies, tables, chairs.

  • Ensure our school has hygiene materials so that bathrooms are continuously stocked with soap and paper towels

  • Have children and staff regularly wash their hands throughout the day, particularly before meal time, before and after toileting, and diaper changes, after outdoor play time and any time hands are soiled.

  • Have children or staff who are sick sent home following new Sick Policy Guidelines.

Teachers will take and record their own and your child's temperature upon arrival each day and wash their hands when entering classroom. Teachers will observe children for visual health checks, at drop off and throughout the day, for signs of illness.  These will include flushed cheeks, rapid or difficulty breathing, fatigue or extreme fussiness. Children presenting with concerning symptoms and/or a fever above 100.4 will not be permitted into the school or will be sent home.  Children must be fever and symptom free for 24 hours along with a doctor's note to return to school.  Parents may not give children fever reducing medicine prior to drop off and are asked to keep children home from school when they are not feeling well.


ChildsPlace drop off routine for children will be at the front door to their
classroom along the walkway or at another specified area, rather than
entering the school lobby and/or classroom.  Teachers will be present for your arrival. Teachers will open and close classroom doors. We ask
parents to maintain the 6 ft social distancing recommendation when
approaching the door. There will be multiple social distancing circles
located on our covered walkways to assist with safe drop off routines.
Weather permitting, your child will be outside each day.  Please walk to
your right, around the side of the building, to pick up your child. For safety, please do not drive or park your car near the side of the building due to parents and children walking back from playgrounds.  Any items needing to go home will be placed in your child’s outdoor cubbie. We are asking parents to stay outside of fenced or roped off areas. Teachers will bring your child to you.

Toys from home may not be brought to school. Children needing their "blankie” or "stuffie" for nap time may bring this item to school each day. We request a separate item to be left at school for the week if possible.
There will be a table with labeled containers for each child located outside of classroom doors.  Parents and teachers will use this space to drop off or send items home. Please be sure to check your child's "cubbie" each day.

Parents can place their child's LABELED lunch bags in their child’s cubbie. Teacher's will bring inside and place in a designated individual space for your child.  Containers and utensils will be placed back into lunch boxes. You may pick up your lunch box at the end of each day in your child’s outdoor cubbie.

Classroom teachers send daily notes, news and weekly activities 


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